Posts tagged heartReach

Through Carol’s Eyes?

I haven’t entered anything into Kenny’s blog since 2013 when I began serious editing of my book, Through Kenny’s Eyes, A Magnificent Journey from Illness to Ecstasy. But here I am having just completed 37 years on staff at Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy, embarking on the next phase of my journey here on this eartth and being encouraged by my friends to pick up this incredible tool for spiritual awareness and enlightenment–writing from that place in me that is you, where we are all one in our loving, in compassion and understanding and in our enthusiasm for God’s plan. Here we are on this plane of existance only to recognize that we are Souls having a human experience just so we can travel right back into the Heart of God–directly, in harmony with what is, and as a blessed emanation from God. How incredible–what a journey!

So I have another book bubbling: After Work and Husband–When Not to Retire. Funny title, funny, ironic life experience, these last nine years since Kenny passed. And many of you have heard I’m sure that many PTS facilitators have conducted the Joyful Transitions class in the US and Australia. And I’ve facilitated it myself about 5 times along with four evenings of “Conversations on Death and Dying, A Spiritual Look into Leaving this World in LA, London and Brighton.” So lots of activities thanks to sweet Kenny’s leaving us with his profound legacy of awakening to where he knew he was going.

I’m hoping the email address you used for this wordpress blog is still the same, and that you’ll get this article. Also send Light if you will to the website I’m developing called on Go Daddy. That site will share my experience and skills in ministerial counseling especially with those who are grieving. And of course it will have a section on Through Kenny’s Eyes and I will continue this blog there as well. I’m still loving you all–even more than nine years ago. Please do share back in the comment section so I know you’re out there, and let me know what subjects you’d like to see from me. That will help me respond to you through the next article. And any feedback or suggestions are always welcome as I embark on this uncharted territory–writing articles again, learning to create a website, setting up a counseling practice, exercising, eating well, doing spiritual exercises, having fun, and traversing all the levels of consciousness I can with awareness, unconditional love and compassion for myself and all of us.

Lastly, if you haven’t watched the HeartReach presentation we did on July 30, here’s the link. It was a heart-opening experience for us all.


With loving for us all,

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